- Upgrade instructions for SlideShowPro Director 1.2 - *********************************************************************** BEFORE UPGRADING, ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR SSP_DIRECTOR FOLDER AND YOUR DATABASE. ONCE YOU UPGRADE TO 1.2, YOU CANNOT GO BACK TO YOUR PREVIOUS INSTALL. ALSO, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE RAN THE UPGRADED SERVER COMPATIBILITY TEST, AS SOME REQUIREMENTS HAVE CHANGED SINCE 1.0.x. *********************************************************************** IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM: - 1.0.8, 1.0.9.x, 1.1.x or 1.2.x ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Delete the 'app' folder from your server's ssp_director folder. Then drag all the files from the upgrade package to your ssp_director folder on the server, making sure to overwrite the old copies. Login to Director to complete the upgrade. IF YOU ARE UPGRADING FROM 1.0.7 OR BEFORE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrading to SlideShowPro Director 1.2 is a slightly different process than in the past because of how the directory structure has changed in this new version. Read and follow these directions carefully. Remember to always backup before upgrading. STEP 1 First, check to ensure your conf.php resides in the config folder. If it still is in inc/data, move it to config now. If you have used inc/user/user_setup.php to set any values for your specific setup, move that file (user_setup.php) to the config folder at the root of your ssp_director folder. If user_setup.php is empty, you can skip this step. If you have set up custom CSS styles in css/user.css, move user.css to the config folder before continuing. STEP 2 Delete everything in your ssp_director folder *except* the following five folders: * albums * album-thumbs * album-audio * config * xml_cache STEP 3 In the upgrade package, you should find a single folder inside the ssp_director folder (it should be named app) along with several php files. Upload the app folder and the php files to your ssp_director folder on the server. Finally, upload the .htaccess file (also in the ssp_director folder). If you do not see this file, make sure your FTP program is set to show hidden files. This file should also be placed at the root of your ssp_director folder. That's it! Now just login to your Director install, and you will be automatically redirected to the upgrade page. ---------------------------- SlideShowPro Director http://www.slideshowpro.net/