How to use the featured post option. Important, there are 3 steps to make this work. (1.) Create a post or page and add id="featured" to your slideshow short code. shortcode sample : [slideshow id="featured" show_class="featured" width="450" height="250" thumbnails="false" linked="parent" ] (1.a)The id ="featured" (1.b)The show-class="featured" (2.) Add a custom field to each of the posts which you would like to feature. Key name = featured Key value = 1 The first image from each post will be used in the featured slideshow. (3.) You will need to ensure that you have attached an image to each of your featured pages or posts. (using the WordPress media uploader on the post page) (4.) Captions contain 3 elements, (4.a) title: Post title (4.a) copy: Image description (first image in post) (4.a) link: Image title (first image in post)